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Basics of No-till
Information and videos on no-till systems.
The Value of Crop Residue-Cost to Soil Health
The plant residue left in the field after harvest is a valuable resource. Increasing demand for harvested crop residue has left many producers wondering whether they should bale and sell their crop...
Soil Health Info & Links
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Cover Crops
Cover crops are used primarily as a method to keep the soil covered during periods of time when a cash crop is not being grown. A cover crop can be a single species or multiple species planted at the...
Regenerative Agriculture
Although there is no single accepted defintion of regenerative agriculture, there are many principles and practices that encompass the movement of regenerative agriculture.
Mike McDonald Drilling into heavy residue
This JD 750 Drill of Mike and Janet McDonald, at Indigo Ridge Farms, Palmyra, NE was modified in at least seven ways to more effectively drill into heavy residue.
Ben Cramer Worm Castings and Gypsum
Worm Castings and Gypsum The goal of the worm casting is to increase the biology in the soil to increase nutrient efficiency and uptake. We used the gypsum both as a carrier for the casting as...
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Sorghum with Companion Crops Project
Grain Sorghum is a primary crop in the High Plains in drought vulnerable areas. The crop is frequently planted in a no-till system, but herbicide and insecticide treatment is common place. In 2015...
Cover Crop Cost Share Program Upfield and No-till on the Plains
No-till on the Plains and Upfield, the parent company for Country Crock Spread, have partnered to provide a cover crop cost-share program for producers in eastern Kansas and western Missouri. ***...