Who Is No-till on the Plains?
No-till on the Plains, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit educational organization providing information for producers to adopt high-quality continuous no-till systems, and to further develop those systems. While adopting high-quality continuous no-tillage and utilizing the best agronomic practices has the potential to greatly improve producers efficiency and profitability, many other benefits accrue to society, such as greatly reduced soil erosion of cropland, less sedimentation of rivers, lakes, and streams along with improved wildlife habitat, all while sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide in soil organic matter.
Each year No-till on the Plains presents educational events such as the world-renowned Winter Conference, Fundamentals of Soil Health workshops, Advanced Concepts in soil health workshops, field days, International tours, and regional bus tours, allowing attendees to get practical and relevant production and management information from fellow producers and predominant scientists. Our goal at No-Till on the Plains is to make farmers and ranchers more profitable, while improving their soil resource!