In 2024, the No-till on the Plains Board, along with the Brandt family, announced the inaugural David Brandt Legacy Scholarship. This scholarship was aimed at helping beginning producers. Applicants were asked to write a short essay on how this scholarship to No-till on the Plains Winter Conference would benefit them.
Pictured is last year's winner, Leslie Schmidt.
***This year we have the funds for 2 Scholarships for General Admission to NTOP's Annual Winter Conference, January 21-23, 2025 in Wichita, Kansas. Applicants are again asked to write a short essay on how this scholarship would benefit them and their operation. Please send information to [email protected] by November 15, 2024.***
For more information on the conference visit https://www.notill.org/winter-conference
The full line-up of speakers and agenda will be available in October!
David is still planting the seeds of hope and a future in agriculture. His legacy lives on through memories like these.
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