Our Premise

After years of watching fields lose soil into the air and water and observing stagnate crop yields that required increased levels of fertility and inputs, several producers, agribusinesses, associations, and state and federal agencies committed to increasing the adoption of cropping systems that would enhance soil and water quality, economic potential and the quality of life. The organization now known as No-till on the Plains was formed.

It was decided that if man would examine the symbiotic relationships between the soil, soil properties, microbial life, plants, insects, nutrients and wildlife, he should be able to determine practical methods to eliminate the degradation of this, his most valuable resource. Nature provides answers for agriculture to follow. The no-tillage system closely follows the system designed by nature. No-tillage is the most benign method of agriculture. This results in the regeneration of soils. Therefore, it is beyond sustainable. Sustainable agriculture is fictitious as long as degradation happens. Why would anyone want to accept a premise of sustaining degradation, which ultimately results in ruination of our resources and life?

Our Purpose

No-till on the Plains provides information on economically sound, agronomically superior and environmentally safer agricultural systems of producing food, fiber and fuels. The organization strictly adheres to its commitment of teaching a consistent message which is comprised of several key components including high-quality continuous no-tillage with invisible sowing methods, undisturbed previous crop residue or growing a living mulch between cash crops, diverse crop rotations along with planned, managed grazing of livestock.

Our focus is to educate those interested in regenerating the soil, thus allowing the land to return to a more natural state. By emulating the systems of nature, producers revive the efficiency of their soils by improving its properties. Soil organic matter, microbial life, soil aggregation, water-holding capacity and effectiveness of an properly-functioning water cycle all improve and are the results of building a healthy ecosystem which is modeled from nature. This system all but eliminates soil erosion and builds soil health.

If you believe in the mission of our organization and would like to be part of it, please support us by making a donation. Contact our office at (785) 210-4549 to arrange a donation.