Joel Williams, Plant & Soil Health Consultant
After many decades of chemistry and physics dominating scientific thinking, we are in the midst of a very exciting time for the biological sciences. This holds true in many arenas of the natural world and certainly so for plants, soils and all that lies between. A fundamental rethink of plants is required. A plant is not simply a plant; rather, it is a plant co-existing along with its associated microbial community and in constant dialogue as a singular dynamic entity. When we adopt this broader view of plants, a rethink of how we manage this entity is also essential. The chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the soil, of which the plant both influences and is influenced by, is critical. It is here that it becomes clear, that plant health and crop performance is an expression of the living interactions and nutritional balances of the soil. But how do we manage this expression of the soil-microbe-plant entity for our benefit? This presentation will take a detailed look at the nutritional drivers of photosynthesis and plant physiology and how these can be managed with several strategies for both short and long term productivity. The role of plant and soil microbiomes in supporting mineral delivery to the plant and stimulating the plants inherent immune function for pest and disease resistance will also be interlinked. How this integrated, rethinking of minerals and microbes working together as one – along with the plant – ultimately contributes to quality crop production will conclude the discussion.