Justin Knopf
No-till producer
Gypsum, KS
Optimizing Alfalfa in a Long-term No-till Rotation
Knopf Farms consists of a father and sons partnership, father Jerry and sons Justin and Jeff. The Knopfs farm near Gypsum, KS just south of Salina, KS. They have been implementing continuous no-till for 15 years in a wheat, sorghum, corn, soybean and alfalfa rotation. Capitalizing on the market for alfalfa in dairy operations, the Knopf’s have been successfully producing and marketing their alfalfa hay to dairy’s across the region. They have experienced improved soil quality for the grain crops by using and rotating alfalfa onto their fields for 5-7 year periods. Justin will share the results they have seen in their grain production and discuss some the challenges and management techniques they use to produce a high-quality alfalfa crop.