Scroll down for a complete list of hotels offering block rate discounts or explore our map.
For detailed directions and parking information, please visit the Bicentennial Center's website.
For registration questions, please contact Rhonda McCurry at [email protected] or (785) 307-0435.
Candlewood Suites
2650 Planet Ave., 785-823-6939
Rates: Single $79, Double $89 | Rates expire Dec. 30, 2016
Holiday Inn
3145 S. Ninth Street, 785-404-6767
Rate: $104 | Rate expires Dec. 30, 2016
Holiday Inn Express
755 West Diamond Drive, 785-404-3300
Rate: $120 | Rate expires Dec. 30, 2016
La Quinta Inn and Suites
201 E. Diamond Drive, 785-824-9000
Rate: $95 | Rate expires Dec. 30, 2016
Quality Inn and Suites
2110 W. Crawford, 785-825-2111
Flat Rate: $78.99 | Rate expires Jan. 9, 2017
Sleep Inn and Suites
3932 S. Ninth Street, 785-404-6777
Rate: $75 | Rate expires Dec. 30, 2016