Bryan Jorgensen

Bryan Jorgensen is one of four partners in a 4th generation family farm and ranch operation in south central South Dakota.  The Jorgensen’s operate over 20,000 acres of cropland and native rangeland near Winner, SD.  The 12,000 plus acres of cropland have been under a total no-till system since 1991 and currently grow more than 12 different crops in the rotation.  The operation markets over 3700 angus bulls every year throughout the United States and they have an all-inclusive hunting lodge as well.

Bryan’s presentation will cover a little bit of the history of the farm operation and illustrate a diverse business approach.  Bryan will talk about the importance of no-till and how they develop rotations; the importance of cover crops and how they implemented them; the value to soil health the system has created and the economic benefits of this system. Bryan will present some case studies the Jorgensen’s implemented integrating livestock into the cover crops and how they implemented an intense rangeland grazing management system.

Learn More About Bryan