Indigo Agriculture
Indigo Carbon is a program for growers to get paid for improving their soil health. The program compensates growers for the verified tons of CO2 stored in their soil or abated through the adoption of regenerative farming practices. In Indigo Carbon’s first 100 days, farmers submitted 10 million acres, indicating an industry groundswell towards regenerative growing practices.
These beneficial agricultural practices help to draw down atmospheric carbon dioxide while also improving the economic and environmental resiliency of farming. Growers enrolled in the Indigo Carbon program are equipped with additional tools such as Indigo’s digital agronomy
platform enhanced with satellite imagery analysis to help measure and verify soil carbon sequestration and on-farm emission levels.
Growers who sign up for Indigo Carbon within the first 12 months are eligible for payment per metric ton of carbon dioxide sequestered in their soils. This is a new income stream with added benefits. Regenerative farming practices help to develop carbon-enriched soils,
while reducing the need for inputs and improving overall profitability.