Grant Sims, No-till producer Victoria, Australia
From six generations of farming our multi-layered systems and principles to building soil health, function and profitability for our future generations across our 9000 acres in Northern Victoria Australia.
This system got kicked started by Grant’s father and uncle in the early 80's with their adoption of no-till farming, then in the early 2000's when Grant started looking into biology and life in the soil. The Sims stopped using granular synthetic fertilizers and started using biological liquid fertilizers. They also stopped using fungicides and insecticides and increased their cropping diversity with companion crops and covers crops.
Using tools like chaff lining, Controlled Traffic Farming and cattle to help implement the system, the Sims now see greater resilience with crops staying greener longer, less disease and less insect pressure. They also see more life and structure back in the soils.