Jay Fuhrer, NRCS Bismarck, North Dakota
What is Planting Green?
Planting an annual cash crop into a live, standing, green, cover crop is relatively new. The concept has the potential of implementing cover crops into low crop diversity cropping systems, which may also include short fall growing seasons and wet, cold, springs. Initially, cereal rye would be seeded immediately after harvest of the cash crop. Some years this would result in little to no fall cover crop growth, however the stage would now be set for spring cover crop growth. Broadcasting or interseeding a cover crop earlier into the growing cash crop, may also be an option. Planting Green would concentrate on spring establishment of soybean, canola, sunflower, and edible beans into an actively growing and green cover crop.
What are the benefits of Planting Green?
Erosion Control, Salinity Management, Water Quality, Livestock Integration, Soil Health Benefits, Weed Suppression
Come hear more benefits at Jay's General Session