June 14, 2023


Franklin County Fairgrounds 1201 G Rd Franklin, NE 68939


No-till on the Plains, along with partners Ward Laboratories, Inc. and Arrow Seeds, are excited to bring you a field day in memory of Jody Saathoff.

Jody was an integral part of each of these organizations and left a lasting impact. This field day offers learning opportunities and networking with other producers and youth. This also includes a bus tour of local field sites.

Jay Fuhrer, will address, "Shifting the Carbon Needle" and "Looking Forward, Looking Backward in Change." Also speaking will be Ray Ward, Paul Jasa, and Steve Blank. The day will include in-field equipment demonstrations, a soil pit, and other learning opportunities.

5:30 PM-8:00 PM The evening social and meal will be a memorial celebration of the life of Jody Saathoff. Jay Fuhrer and Ray Ward will discuss the impact Jody made in their lives.

To cap off the evening, we will have an auction, to raise funds to extend Jody's impact.

Early Bird registration through June 9 to guarantee your spot. (space limited) $30

June 10 $40

For more information: www.notill.org


No-till on the Plains - Aaron Sawyers - [email protected] or785-210-4549

Mike McDonald - 402-314-1571 or [email protected]

Rich Russell, Arrow Seed - [email protected] or 308-991-6442


Sponsors for the day: Green Cover, Farmer's Business Network, Exapta Solutions, CHS, Arrow Seed, Ward Labs, Farm Credit Services, UNL-Extension, Jody and Mary Saathoff family.