August 17, 2017
South Coffeyville, Oklahoma
No-till on the Plains and Herriman farms are hosting a field day on August 17 near South Coffeyville, Oklahoma. Morning session will include field tours and demonstrations. Expert presentations will occcur in the afternoon at the Cherokee Community Bldg., 215 Oklahoma St, South Coffeyville, OK.
8:00 Cherokee Community Building, Registration
8:30 a.m. Leave for Field Tour of Herriman Farms
Cover Crops
Rye Demonstration Plots
Pollinator Planting for Sugar Cane Aphids in Sorghum
Water Infiltration Demonstration
11:45 a.m. Return to Cherokee Community Building
12:00 p.m. Rainfall Simulator Demonstration
12:30 p.m. Lunch provided
1:10 p.m. No-till and Rye Cover Crops for Weed Control, Jason Warren Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
2:15 p.m. Utilizing No-till and Cover Crops for Soil Health and Livestock Randy Small, continuous no-till producer/stockman, Neodesha, KS
3:30 p.m. Economics of No-till Production Rodney Jones, Professor, Oklahoma State University