September 1, 2016
Bladen, Nebraska 918 X Road 1 mile south and 1.25 miles east of Bladen
Come and view over 80 plots of summer planted cover crops and learn about the characteristics of different cover crop species. New species, like squash and okra as well as old standby's like our sorghum comparison plot.
We will also be looking at irrigated double crop sunflowers with a diverse companion crop planted in the understory. This field is really looking nice right now!
Following the plot tour, we will enjoy a free meal together and listen to Dale Strickler talk about controlling Pigweeds, Palmer Amaranth, and other tough weeds with a comprehensive systems approach that includes cover crops.
Come with a friend or neighbor and come with your questions about cover crops!
NOTE: If you would like to pick up seed at the field day, please get your orders placed ASAP so we can get your orders prepared.
[email protected] 402-469-6784