October 10, 2023


101 S Nebraska Bucklin, KS 67834

Field Day at Feikert Farms October 10, 2023. 


Registration begins at 9:30 and after that we will head to the field. Instead of the more traditional classroom setting of presentations, this will be heavy on the  in field portion.


Mark Lohrding will talk about grazing considerations and adding cash flow to a farming operation. 

Lance Feikert will talk about multi-species grazing of cattle and chickens, as well as their newest venture, honeybees, and direct marketing.

Jorge Garibay, of NAPA Bees, will present "How pollinators benefit soil health." He is a beekeeper and will also be doing a live honey extraction, as well as an introduction to beekeeping and hives in general. 

North American Pollinator Alliance founder Jorge Garibay works with regenerative farmers and homesteading families in the Midwest because he believes that they will be the stewards of honey bees in the future. He believes that bees are not dying off in this country, nor in the rest of the world, but they are running out of habitat. His company consults on creating honeybee habitats, raises winter hearty bees, manages hives on farms for pollination, and sells treatment-free honey.

N.A.P.A. Bees, "Save the Humans!"

Candy Thomas will also be doing her usual of opening eyes with soils from different management styles.


I hope to see you in Bucklin, on October 10, but if not, would really appreciate the help sharing this event with people you think might be interested. 


The series of Field Days this summer was strategically held to show everyday people, actively doing what they are talking about, as well as help promote new faces to attend Winter Conference. 


Looking forward to continuing to learn throughout 2023 and into 2024 with all of you.

Thank you to our Sponsors: Green Cover, Exapta, Farmers Business Network, Whirlwind Farms, and Kansas Soil Health Alliance.


To register Call or text Aaron Sawyers at 785-210-4549 [email protected] or Lance Feikert at 620-826-5111 [email protected]