In 2016, we’ll mark the 20th anniversary of the No-till on the Plains Winter Conference. To celebrate we are planning a special event that is sure to attract a large crowd. This year’s conference theme is Celebrating Our History, Transforming Our Future. We have secured some of the best speakers available, including Dwayne Beck, Ray Ward, Ray Archuleta, David Brandt, Gabe Brown, Jonathan Lundgren, Jill Clapperton and many others.

As in years past, we will offer the Industry Morning Marketplace, Tuesday, Jan. 26, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

We are planning improvements in the conference format and registration. The list below briefly summarizes changes that will impact exhibitors.

1. Registration Costs

We all have experienced continual cost increases for goods and services. Similarly, our conference expenses have risen over several years, while the registration cost has remained the same since 2007. To keep up with these costs and improve our programming, registration costs for both attendees and exhibitors will increase.

  • Tradeshow floor booths will increase from $750 to $1,000.
  • The 10 entryway booths (those in the front and leading into the arena concourses) will increase from $750 to $1,250.
  • Concourse booths will increase from $500 to $750.

2. Daily Breaks

There will be one 50-minute break on Day 1. Day 2 includes a 45-minute morning break and 90-minute lunch. No other formal breaks will be held.

3. Move-out

On Wednesday, Jan. 27, exhibitors may pack-up and move out only during these periods:

  • Option 1: 2 p.m. until 3:15 p.m.
  • Option 2: 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m.

To facilitate early move-out, we have eliminated the 2 p.m. arena session, but all move-out activity must cease between 3:15 and 5:30 p.m. This quiet period will be strictly enforced to avoid disturbing the arena session. Please respect these timeframes to provide the best experience possible for attendees.

4. NEW! Online Exhibitor Registration and Contracts

To streamline your registration process, we encourage you to complete your exhibitor registrations and contracts at You may complete your information, reserve your space, pay online and order add-ons such as pipe and drape, electricity, Internet and other necessary items all in one convenient location.

We are confident this new online process will expedite your registration and improve the trade show experience.