Jay Fuhrer, NRCS Bismarck, North Dakota

Rebuilding and maintaining life in the soil is directly linked to the longevity and reliability of our future agriculture. Landscape simplification has been ongoing for generations fueled by loss of perennials and animal impact, combined with soil disturbance, residue removal, and monoculture crop production without cover crops. Symptoms of landscape simplification are evident and include reduced soil organic matter and infiltration, wind erosion, water erosion, salinity, water quality impacts, and high fossil fuel inputs.

The rebuilding process begins with the understanding of the carbon cycle and how it relates to cropping systems, grazing systems, orchards, gardens, etc. How does carbon enter the soil and how does it leave?  What is the process for carbon in the surface residue and the root mass?  What role can livestock play? 

Soil regeneration requires the constant building and rebuilding of soil aggregates, a foundation building block of soil function.  As carbon levels increase, the soil food web increases, and now has the ability to build more soil aggregates and move carbon into the soil organic matter.

Jay will fill give you the rest of key points in his breakout sessions. 

Learn More About Jay

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